7 Jun 2016

The fast-chefs

Some months ago I wrote a post about the dangerous society between fast-food and gastronomy. The reason was McDonald's appeared at Top Chef Spain for secon consecutive edition... And I wondered why high cuisine was giving a label to a group that cooks a kind of food with no fame of healthy food.

And they did it again. This time, Dani García (for third time if I am right) and Ramón Freixa participated in a campaign because they created highly dangerous hamburgers... Why I say so??? Look at chefs hamburgers:

The one of Dani García

and the one of Ramon Freixa

Now, compare a hamburger with bacon and deep fried chicken (CBO)

and another one with two pieces of deep fried chicken (Grand Big Mac Chicken):

As you see, from caloric point of view, the ones of the chef beat CBO, but not Grand Big Mac Chicken:
- Grand Big Mac Chicken:  844 kcal
- Grand McExtreme Ramon Freixa: 762 kcal
- Grand McExtreme Dani García: 718 kcal
- CBO: 650 kcal

All of thehm overpass 32% of dairy recommended calories… that means, if you eat a single one, you should be eating undressed lettuce all the day long.

But the most outrageous of all is, to me, the side of saturated fats:
- Grand McExtreme Ramon Freixa:  19 g (95% of recommended quantity in a day)
- Grand McExtreme Dani García: 16 g (80% of recommended quantity in a day)
- Grand Big Mac Chicken:  9 g (45% of recommended quantity in a day)
- CBO: 8 g (38% of recommended quantity in a day)

Real bombs for cardiovascular health.

How can it be possible the hamburgers of two chefs pass over the 80% of saturated fats one person can eat in a day? Chefs hamburgers are the most harmful.

What is high cuisine doing? 

What is producing extremely harmful food for who eats them?


This should be a reason of reflection at high cuisine.

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