10 Oct 2017

Introducing Mercat de Mercats 2017 at Mercat del Ninot

The Mercat del Ninot is one of the Barcelona markets most recently opened after some remodellings.

With the new stage, it has been inaugurated a cooking classroom, where friday 6th it was introduced this year's Mercat de Mercats. And as last week, egg was the star of an activity where there were some gastrobloggers.

The afternoon started with Jordi Domènech, who was the host who guided  Xavi Frauca and Joan Gurgí's speeches.

Xavi Frauca (from Ous de Calaf) talked to us about eggs. Who would say a product had a vast world. First, because of difference between animals, because the big ostrich egg is a giant compared to the small quail egg. Of course, both animals are different, if not, poor quail... I did not know things like the best season for eggs is spring; or that all chickens produce two yolks eggs: it is the second egg of their lives. He broke some myths like white and brown eggs are nutritionally different. The colour of eggs depends on the colour of the chicken, and the nutritional difference between eggs is because of chicken's food. I loves a sentence he said and it reveals the quality of his products: "The best warehouse is a chicken".

And with Joan Gurgí (the chef of Aula Gastronòmica del Mercat del Ninot) arrived the moment of cooking. The whole audience cooked a poché egg with boletus and crispy egg feet (I never composed such a beautiful dish)...

... and he cooked a fried ostrich egg with "sobrasada", honey and rosemary.

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